1·The colour infrared aerial photo is one of the key sort of the remote sensing imagery information sources.
2·An aerial photo shows a massive rapid-response team at the site of the A-12 crash near Wendover, Utah, in 1963.
航拍照片显示的是1963年在犹他州温多弗附近A - 12坠毁地点的一支大规模快速反应队伍。
3·Photo Tip: When shooting aerial photography, stay pretty low, usually at about 1, 000 feet (300 meters) above the ground.
4·Aerial photography should not be confused with Air-to-Air photography, when aircraft serve both as a photo platform and subject.
5·Oil, bottom right, is seen approaching the Louisiana Coast, top left, in this aerial photo taken 8 miles from shore, Wednesday, April 28, 2010.
6·ThE samE procEdurE can bE usEd to rEmovE thE graininEss of highly EnlargEd photographs, which is of valuE E. g. in aErial photo rEconnaissancE.
7·An aerial photo captures the expanse of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., home to the capital city's most important memorials, monuments, and museums.
8·The bank wanted to raise awareness of the dangers of global warming, so the AD guys glued an aerial photo of a city's skyscrapers to the base of a swimming pool.
9·A maze formed in a maize field in the shape of the Statue of Liberty is revealed in this aerial photo Thursday July 17, 2008, in the countryside near York, England.
10·To offer more intuitionistic information of the battlefield environment for the commander, the demand for the aerial photo map is also becoming increasingly prominent.